An Interactive Career Exploration Platform for Elementary Schools and K-5 Students

Meet The Career Crew

Cluster Overview: Arts, Audio Visual Technology, and Communications

Program Teaser Video

Cluster Overview: Energy
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Product Overview
Pathful Junior is an interactive, digital learning platform designed to position K-5 students for success in the 21st century world. Its career exploration lessons cultivate students’ interest in a variety of professions while strengthening their digital literacy skills and reinforcing their academic coursework.

Pathful Junior is a career education platform designed to inspire, motivate and empower elementary students. While cultivating their interest in a variety of professions, it reinforces the relevance of their academic coursework, and it underscores the value of their talents, passions, and efforts.
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The Pathful Junior content assists students in meeting ASCA Mindsets and Behavior Standards, National Career Development Guidelines, Common Core Standards, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), Georgia State Standards and other standards.

Inclusive and Adaptive
Pathful Junior is a flexible, multifaceted product. It supports both student-driven, independent learning and teacher-directed, classroom use. It is equipped to meet the needs of all learners.

Promotes Overall Growth
Pathful Junior celebrates diversity and encourages students to value one another’s differences. It promotes systems thinking, collaboration, emotional growth, and divergent problem solving.
Engaging Lessons in the 17 Career Clusters
Pathful Junior consists of interactive, multimedia lessons featuring animated characters, career exploration videos, and engaging activities built to reinforce learning. Each lesson details careers in one of the following 17 clusters:
The SIIA CODiE Awards celebrate the best software products and services in business and education technology while recognizing corporate philanthropic excellence. Pathful Junior is honored to have been selected as a CODiE Award finalist in the highly competitive category, Best PK-12 Education Cloud-Based Solution.
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Differentiated Content
Pathful Junior lessons are differentiated into three developmentally-appropriate grade bands: K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Within the grade bands, they are further organized by content. Each lesson details one of the 17 Career Clusters.

Accessibility and Flexibility
Pathful Junior lessons are designed to be accessible for all students. They feature closed captioning and read-aloud capabilities. Either can be enabled or disabled according to students’ needs.

Added Features
All lessons are accompanied by PDF outlines which summarize content, list relevant standards, and provide grade-appropriate learning targets. Pathful Junior includes an inventory of resources students can access to supplement their learning.